Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of youth with a delay or disability from birth through the age of 21.
Is a child in your life developing differently or having problems learning? If so, help is available for eligible children in New Jersey.
For Infants and Toddlers (under the age of three): If your child should be crawling, walking or talking but is not, call for information about resources and services for your child under the age of 3:
New Jersey's Early Intervention System Child Development Checklist Birth - 36 months can be found at:
New Jersey Early Intervention System Statewide toll-free number is: 1-888-653-4463 and Early Intervention website can be found at:
For Children (ages 3 - 21; including migrant and homeless children): If you are concerned your child is developing or learning differently, and you live in New Jersey, you may contact Mrs. Dawn Smith, Englewood Cliffs School District's Supervisor of Special Services at 201-567-6151 x225.
Additional information can be accessed at the New Jersey Department of Education website at: or by calling 1-800-322-8174 or TTY: 609-984-8432