Technology » Worry-free” Device Coverage - Laptop Agreement for All Students

Worry-free” Device Coverage - Laptop Agreement for All Students

Dear Parents and Guardians of Students in Grades Pre-K through 8:


The Englewood Cliffs School District has created policies regarding the distribution of our student laptop computers. This year there is a $100 fee for the use of a computer or Ipad. This fee provides a laptop or Ipad, charger, and protective case for the computer.  The carrying cases are durable and will help limit damage to the computers. 

This fee also will cover the computer for any necessary repairs to the laptop, except those caused by liquid damage or reckless or intentional damage.

Please carefully review the laptop / Ipad agreement below. Board policies referenced in the agreement can be found on the school website. Be aware that any misuse of the laptop or violation of the agreement or policies (game playing, chats, or other misconduct) will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to loss of computer privileges.

Laptops or Ipads will be distributed to all our students starting on the second through the fourth of September. Please have a check ready for $100  made out to Englewood Cliffs BOE at the time of pickup.