Special Education Department/Child Study Team » (SEPAG) Special Education Parent Advisory Group

(SEPAG) Special Education Parent Advisory Group

Englewood Cliffs Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
Our SEPAG Mission:   The Englewood Cliffs’ SEPAG is a state-mandated, parent led organization which works collaboratively with our school district leadership.   We offer the opportunity to raise questions, voice concerns and provide direct input relating to system-level challenges in an effort to ensure the delivery of appropriate services for children who are different learners.  Our goal is to improve outcomes for all children receiving special education services and support.
 Function of SEPAG:
*  To provide direct input on the policies, programs, and practices that affect services and supports for students who are different learners.  
*  To increase the involvement of families of children with special needs in school activities. 
*  To advise on issues that affect the education, health, and safety of students with special needs.

*  An advocacy group, which focuses on upholding rights for children and advocating for change from outside the system;
*  A limited campaign dedicated to addressing a single issue or immediate concern;
*  A Special Education PTA or Educational Foundation, which might plan carnivals, classroom activities, dances, fundraisers, or other events.

Wednesday, 11/1/2023 - The Englewood Cliffs Special Education Parents Advocacy Group (SEPAG) is an organization committed to working together with the Englewood Cliffs educators and district leadership on addressing issues concerning special education and related services.  On 11/1/23, the organization welcomed guest speakers, Ms. Shaina Doshi and Mrs. Stephanie DePiano, to share their knowledge and expertise on the topics of Mental Health and Anxiety. Within this presentation, Ms. Doshi and Mrs. DePiano discussed the prevalence of these issues, reviewed the signs and symptoms, and shared strategies for supporting students both at school and in the home. Attendees were also given the chance to speak about the specific challenges they face in an open forum and receive suggestions and advice from these two professionals.


HERE is a link to the PowerPoint for your review. 


Wednesday, 1/24/2024 SEPAG (Englewood Cliffs Special Education Parents Advocacy Group) hosted a Parent Coaching Session with District Behavior Specialist, Mrs. Jennifer LaRosa.  This interactive workshop focused on common parent concerns and discussed practical strategies and tools to address those concerns. Participants were also given the chance to speak about the specific challenges they face in their homes in an open forum and received customized feedback and suggestions based on those experience.


Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentation for your review.


Wednesday, 3/6/2024 - The Englewood Cliffs Special Education Parents Advocacy Group (SEPAG) welcomed guest speaker Ms. Daria Tabbacchino to share her knowledge and expertise in navigating the Children's System of Care and the PerformCare referral process. Within the presentation, Ms. Tabbacchino explained how families can go about receiving services through Bergen County system partners, such as Bergen's Promise. Additionally, she reviewed how to navigate Bergen ResourceNet, a free online resource directory of services, support groups, events, webinars, and workshops specific to the health and wellbeing of youth up to 21 and their families throughout Bergen County. Participants practiced searching for resources by keyword, town, and category/need and had the chance to have their questions answered in an open forum. 

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, 5/1, at 7 p.m., where the Cornerstone Day School will be conducting a Parent Training Session on Executive Functioning. Please save the date and RSVP to Mrs. Dawn Smith at [email protected] to confirm your participation.
Here is a link about the presentation.